MetroVNA is a modern antenna analyser designed for Amateur Radio. It allows to measure all the parameters of an antenna such as SWR, R, X, Z, Phase, Power, RL and TL and visualize all parameters on display, or pc, tablet or Android Smartphone. It’s a very powerful and simple to use both outdoors and in the laboratory or radio shack.
It allows measurements in both transmission and in reflection mode, and has integrated complete software that runs on all platforms – Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.
It has many useful features including an ‘Easy’ menu for rapid measurements graphical menu to control basic settings.
Some functions ….
- All designed with 3D software.
- Fast interface USB.
- Powerful 32-bit microprocessor.
- Designed for use amateur radio.
- Many functions can be activated from the menu. Over 10 internal menus upgradeable by firmware.
- Include internal Li-ion rechargeable battery.
- Many adjustments from the menu.
- Display full touch screen.
All menus are touch screen. They are very useful and convenient. The instrument also has 7 buttons switch to change the frequency and other parameters. The instrument has 20 internal menus
- MAIN MENU to manage all menus quickly.
- AUTO SWR to see immediate resonance with a comfortable graphic.
- dBm MENU to measure the signal RF.
- EASY MENU for fast measurements.
- SIGNAL GENERATOR to generate a signal through the keyboard.
- DOUBLE METER smeter to control swr,impedance.
- BAND METER to measure the ros of many bands simultaneously.
- GRAPH MENU to view all parameters mode ‘graphic.
- CAL MENU to calibrate frequency.
- CAL REFL to calibrate reflection mode.
- And more, some photo…
Metrovna is compatible with VNA / J software, with this great program you can view all the parameters SWR, R, Z, X, PHS, RL, TL

Technical Features METROVNA DELUXE 250MHz
- Coverage 100KHz/250 MHz 630/1.25mt
- Measure R,Z,X (no sign),SWR,TL,|Phase|,ReturnLoss,Power
- Exit DUT -6dBm on 50ohm
- Min/Max signal imput –70/+0dBm
- Accuracy +-1dB
- Operating voltage 3.3V
- Dimensions 125mm x 95mm x 20mm
- Weight 200gr
Functional characteristics
- Display TFT 3.1” 16 K color touch screen
- Twenty internal Menus
- Internal Rechargeable Battery LI-ion
- Battery charging circuit
- Interface USB
- updating Firmware USB
- compatible with IG/VNA, VNA/J , BluVNA and more
- Compatible with Tablet,Smarthphone Android