handgesture20All menus are touch screen. They are very useful and convenient. The instrument also has 7 buttons switch to change the frequency and other parameters. The instrument has 20 internal menus

  • MAIN MENU to manage all menus quickly.
  • AUTO SWR    to see immediate resonance with a comfortable graphic.
  • dBm MENU   to measure the signal RF.
  • EASY MENU for fast measurements.
  • SIGNAL GENERATOR to generate a signal through the keyboard.
  • DOUBLE METER smeter to control swr,impedance.
  • BAND METER to measure the ros of many bands simultaneously.
  • GRAPH MENU to view all parameters mode ‘graphic.
  • CAL MENU to calibrate frequency.
  • CAL REFL to calibrate reflection mode.
  • And more, some photo…
